What evidence can be seen that there has been an environmental assessment?
Walking through the fields and observing the trees, it is apparent that many of the larger specimen trees have been numbered as you can see from the photograph below.
This gives me hope that there may be some process by which some of these trees may be saved in the event of the development progressing.
Here is a close up view of one of the flowering clusters from a lovely specimen horse chestnut tree.
Throughout the fields there are many pieces of black roofing felt and metal corrugated tiles which I assume have been placed in order to assess amphibian and insect life. I have seen no amphibians or snakes, only a myriad of ants, beetles, wood lice and centipedes lurking in the warm dry environment underneath the felting.
In the surrounding hedgerows, there are some nesting boxes which I believe may have been provided to assess the presence or absence of dormice.
Reference to the Ashford Borough Planning application still states that the planning is subject to further environmental assessment. Comments, objections and reports are available to anyone with an interest to view.
( Application reference 14/00906/AS)
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